Friday, October 31, 2008

40 Weeks

That's right - 40 weeks!

Looks like the poll ended with Halloween being the top guess. Labor would have to start soon and progress rather quickly in order for mini-kuper to arrive on Halloween.

I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I had made a little progress but still barely dilated to a 1 and still 50% effaced. I've tried all the wivestales, but to no avail she is just not ready to come out yet. I go back to the doctor on Monday and will talk induction (if I haven't gone on my own by then).

Pretty much everything is done and ready except for the name letters. And the Grandma's are getting awfully anxious!

1 comment:

*kim* said...

Aw...she must be warm and cozy in there! She'll be out soon-can't wait to see that lil face! :)